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Breaking news in the world of boxing! Manny “PacMan” Pacquiao, the only eight-division world champion, is considering a comeback to the ring!

This is massive news for boxing fans worldwide who have been eagerly waiting for the return of the legendary fighter.
MP Promotions President Sean Gibbons revealed the possible move of PacMan on ESPN.

Pacquiao formally announced his retirement from boxing in the same year after he decided to run for the President seat of the Philippines.

According to reports, Pacquiao is eyeing a return to the welterweight division and is set on British star Conor Benn.

This potential matchup will fire the world of boxing, with two of the sport’s most talented fighters going head-to-head.

Pacquiao’s last fight was in 2022 against Korean YouTuber DK Yoo in an exhibition fight, which he won unanimously after six rounds.
This victory only added to his impressive pro record of 62 wins, eight losses, and two draws, cementing his status as one of the greatest boxers ever.

Although Pacquiao formally announced his retirement from boxing in the same year, the Filipino icon still has some fight left in him.

This comeback is not just about the love of the sport but also an opportunity to show the world what he’s capable of and add to his already remarkable legacy.

The potential Pacquiao-Benn matchup is tentatively scheduled for June, which gives fans plenty of time to get excited and speculate about how this fight will unfold.

Will Pacquiao show his experience and outsmart the younger Benn, or will the British star prove too much for the aging Pac-Man?

One thing is for sure; this is a story that boxing fans worldwide will eagerly follow and will be filled with excitement and drama!